September 26, 2020

John at Te Henga

“I’ve had a few hobbies over the years and they’ve all involved working with fire. Metal work, pottery...I’ve made guitars and taught myself how to launch rockets up to 10,000 ft. The internet really is impressive like that. 

My father worked as an aircraft engineer so we were shown how to build and fix our tools. He would always say things like “a man who never made any mistakes has never made anything.

I do worry about this urgency to get rich quick, though. To never have to work again. You miss out on the satisfaction that comes with the process and making progress. There is true joy in an honest day’s work. 

For these pizzas here, you want a slow, lazy flame to work it’s magic. Patience, like with many things - is key.” 

- John

Images were taken with the Sony A7III camera with the Sony Planar T* 50mm f/1.4 ZA lens